Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

event_date_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

14/06/2019 - 14/06/2019

event_time_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

09:00 - 18:00

event_venue_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

ticket_info_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

- Early Bird預早報名優惠 $200.0
- Normal Fee參加者收費 $300.0
- Student Fee學生 $100.0

register_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

contact_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

(00852) 24876151 - Youth Crime Prevention Centre

whatapps_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime line_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime facebook_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime copy_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime email_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

Event Description:

To tackle the problems of youth cybercrime, HKFYG Project iSmarter organizes International Conference on Youth and Cybercrime 2019, and invites guests to share knowledge and practical experiences.

Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

register_Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

An one-day international conference will be held in Hong Kong. The details are as follows: Date: 14 June 2019 (Friday) Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm Venue: Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, Floor 5, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong at Kowloon Tong, HK

Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

An open conference on 14/6/2019: - Keynote speeches in the morning session; - Parallel sessions to share the practical experiences in the afternoon session

Int'l Conference on Youth and Cybercrime

An in-house Round-table Meeting by invitation on 15/6/2019: - Discussion on the solution of youth cybercrime by the scholars and experts; - Making some action plans for further cooperation throughout the world

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