YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

event_date_YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

01/12/2018 - 01/12/2018

event_time_YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

14:00 - 17:00

event_venue_YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

ticket_info_YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

- 非會員收費 $480.0
- 會員收費 $480.0

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contact_YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

63561790 - YB21

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飲茶是廣東獨有的飲食文化,其中點心更與廣東文化劃上等號。 說到點心,除了種類繁多外,大家自然會想起蒸籠。蒸籠是製作點心的一大特色,更是廣東文化的標誌。是次工作坊以廣東飲食文化為題,製作蒸籠散紙包,希望令蒸籠以不同形式出現,宣揚廣東文化。

YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

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YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

飲茶係廣東獨有既飲食文化,其中"點心"、"燒賣"更加係出名到連外國人都識講既詞語。 講到點心,除左種類繁多之外,大家自然會諗起蒸籠。今次工作坊YB21同GrewFromHands就會以廣東飲食文化為題,同大家一齊製作蒸籠散紙包,希望令蒸籠以特別既形式出現,將文化融入生活。成個蒸籠散紙包由開初既準備去到由你隻手完成,都係係香港設計同全人手製作。100%香港人手製造!

YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

"Yum Cha" is one of the most reputable elements in the Cantonese culture, and "Dim Sum" is a kind of cuisine that is loved by all locals, expats and travelers. Apart from the various dishes, when thinking about Dim Sum, one easily comes up with the image of a bamboo steamer. In fact, the bamboo steamer has long been a symbol of Dim Sum and Cantonese Culture. In YB21's coming workshop with Grew From Hands, we will grow our own leather coin pouches that resemble a bamboo steamer. This is an idea of Grew From Hands to incorporate our culture into lives by presenting the bamboo steamer in a special form. The whole steamer coin pouch is made from hands from early preparation to finishing in your own hands, so it is 100% made in Hong Kong and Grew From Hands!

YB21 x Grew From Hands 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊

YB21 X Grew From Hands Leather Steamer Coin Pouch Workshop 迷你皮革蒸籠散紙包工作坊
蒸籠散紙包 Leather Steamer Coin Pouch: 高 Height 45mm, 直徑 Diameter 75mm; 以植鞣製皮革作材料 made from vegetable tanned leather
費用 Fee: $480/pax
日期 Date: 1 Dec 2018 (Sat)
時間 Time: 14:00-17:00
導師 Instructor: Grew From Hands
地點 Location: 中環士丹頓街62號 YB21, Shop 62B, Staunton Street, Central
報名或查詢 Enrollment or Enquiry: 63561790
營業時間 Business Hours: 12nn - 8pm (Tue-Sun)

1. 參加者報名時須繳付全數款項。
2. 如活動因天氣影響或其他原因需要改動,YB21將與參加者聯絡,並按情況作出退款。
3. 參加者如對付款、活動內容、安排等有任何疑問,請於付款前先致電 63561790 向YB21職員查詢。
4. YB21保留對活動安排及條款作出改動、以及作出最終決定之權利。

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